BTX Points & Referrals

BTX is the upcoming governance token of the BeraTrax platform. Token holders will direct rewards from validators. To take part in the initial distribution of BTX, you need to earn BTX points. During our beta, you can earn BTX points based on how much you stake, and how long you stay staked. Deposits will only be open until a few days into January, but you will always be able to withdraw from the beta at any time.

The only other way to earn BTX points is by referring users to the beta. There is a referral link on your dashboard that is either your primary BNS name, or a randomly generated BeraTrax name.

You will get a copy of half of all staking points earned by the users you refer! There is no limit to referrals nor a limit to how much you can earn!

Remember, users need to stake for you to earn, and the more they stake, the more you earn.

Last updated